We know business environment in Pakistan and we use this knowledge to advise you on the best option that suits your business needs.
We offer corporate consulting services in the following areas:
Private Limited Company
(Under Companies Act, 2017)
Private Limited Company is a type of business in which shareholders have limited liability and are not personally liable for debt or other business liabilities of the Company. It requires minimum two shareholders/members to form a private limited company while maximum number is restricted to 50. Every private limited company in Pakistan is also required to file annual statutory form with the SECP.
Single Member Company (SMC)
(Under Companies Act, 2017)
Single Member Company or SMC-Private Limited Company is a category of private company that can be register with Securities and Commission of Pakistan (SECP) with one shareholder having limited liability. Single Members Company in Pakistan is also required to file annual statutory forms with the SECP.
Public Unlisted Company
(Under Companies Act, 2017)
Under Public Limited Company minimum three persons are required to form a company with SECP while no restriction on maximum number of members/shareholders. Every public company in Pakistan is also required to hold a statutory meeting and file statutory reports with the SECP annually.
Association of Person (AOP) | Partnership Firm
(Under the Partnership Act, 1932)
Association of Person (AOP) or Partnership Firm are registered with Registrar of Firms under the Partnership Act, 1932. It requires minimum two persons to form a partnership firm while maximum number is restricted to 20.
Sole-Proprietor Business Registration
A sole-proprietorship is a business operate by an individual that requires National Tax Number (NTN) certificate from Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).
- Company Exit
- Partnership Dissolution
- Sole-Proprietor Business Closure
- Companies Act, 2017
- Societies Registration Act, 1860
- The Sindh Charities Registration and Regulation Act, 2019
- Sindh Trust Act, 2020 (Repealed Trust Act, 1882)
- Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Taxation
- Corporate Services