Income Tax Consultant
As an Income Tax Advisor, we offer a full scope of income tax services for salaried individuals, business individuals, and the Association of Persons (AOP | Partnership Firms) in Karachi, Pakistan. Taxation in Pakistan is a complex subject that is currently governed by the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, and also amends from time to time. To comply with tax law, you require a professional and experienced tax practitioner.
Whether you are operating as a sole-proprietorship (business individual), a partnership firm (AOP), a salaried individual in Pakistan, or a non-resident (foreigner) Pakistani, our tax experts will not only file your income tax return but also suggest the best strategies to make the most of prevailing tax laws in Pakistan.
Rascons Financial Services is a reliable Tax Consultant providing tax advisory services to salaried individuals, business individuals, and partnership firms which includes but is not limited to tax registration, annual income tax filing, and filing quarterly and annual withholding statements. We also represent our clients before tax authorities related to a tax audits, commissioner appeals, and other tax matters.
Our Income Tax Advisor Services for
Salaried | Business Individual | AOP (Partnership Firm)
NTN Registration (FBR)
NTN (National Tax Number) registration and modification through IRIS FBR portal.
Income Tax Return
Preparation and filing of income tax return for resident and non-resident to become an active taxpayer in Pakistan.
Non-Resident (Foreigner)
Advising on tax matters related to non-resident (foreigner) Pakistani.
Representation before tax authorities concerning audit proceedings, appeals and other matters.
Advising on applicability of income taxes in Pakistan under various provisions of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.
- Bookkeeping & Accounting
- Taxation
- Corporate Services
Our All-in-One Package is a Hassle-Free Retainership Service that Assists SMEs including Companies, Business Individuals, Partnership Firms (AOP) in Bookkeeping, Accounting, Tax and Corporate Functions.